Bio Inspired Design Lecture at Georgia Tech

On December 3, 2024, softgoods design expert Rebeccah Pailes-Friedman gave a lecture at Georgia Tech titled Bio Inspired Design. The lecture provided an overview of how to use bio-inspired design and biomimicry techniques to innovate through nature’s solutions, using nature’s forms, functions, and strategies as design inspiration. 

Creative Synergy: Where Design and Engineering Meet in Medical Wearables. Lecture at Ohio State University

This November, softgoods design expert Rebeccah Pailes-Friedman gave a lecture at Ohio State University titled Unified Vision: Designing with Engineering from the Start. The lecture discussed the power of cross-disciplinary collaboration and urged students to integrate design and engineering teams early to create innovations that combine user experience and aesthetics with structural integrity and feasibility on an efficient timeline. She also conducted a workshop titled How to Design a Softgoods Prototype.

Wearable Technology: Healthcare, Medical, & Wellness Lecture at University of Houston

On October 2, 2024, Rebeccah Pailes-Friedman gave a lecture at the University of Houston titled Wearable Technology: Healthcare, Medical, and Wellness. The lecture discussed the impact of wearable technology on the medical industry and provided several case studies from her design company Interwoven Design Group to walk students through a successful wearable technology design process.

Core77 Design Awards 2024, Sports & Outdoors Jury

Rebeccah Pailes-Friedman served as the Jury Captain for the 2024 Core77 Design Awards Sports & Outdoor Category. This category includes consumer products or services created to encourage play, movement, or learning. Examples include toys, games, athletic equipment, athletic wear and accessories, and outdoor gear and equipment.


Since the beginning of modernism, souvenirs have been excluded from designers’ discourse. In the digital world of the 21st Century, there is a renewed interest in physical objects that can keep memories and retain emotions. Rebeccah Pailes-Friedman designed an artisanal ceramic souvenir for the NYCxDESIGNxSOUVENIR exhibit, part of New York Design Week 2024.